Polls open Tuesday, May 17, from 12pm-9pm in the Jr. / Sr. High School gym lobby
Middleburgh voters will be asked to consider a $23.8 million budget proposal for the 2022-23 school year. There are also two open seats on the Board of Education with three candidates running. The two candidates with the most votes will earn a three-year term (expiring June 30, 2025). The names will appear in this order on the ballot:
Sean Lawton
Debra Bechtold
Vicki Hoerz
Bus Proposition
Aside from the budget and board vote, Middleburgh residents will decide on a proposition for the anticipated purchase of three school buses in an amount not to exceed $328,541 as part of the district’s ongoing bus replacement plan. The 1-65 passenger, 1-48 passenger, and 1-30 passenger (wheelchair accessible) buses will be funded by $258,234 (78.60%) from State Aid and $70,307 (21.40%) from Local Share paid over a five-year period. The amount per year, per taxpayer is approximately five dollars. Safe, reliable transportation is a top priority for our district.
Absentee Ballots
All absentee ballots must be returned to the district office (attention Kim Lawyer, District Clerk) by 5:00 p.m. on May 17 in order to be counted.
For more information on tomorrow’s budget vote, please view the Budget and Taxes page of our website.