Try-out times, practice times, and games are posted on our Athletic Scheduler. You can get there by clicking on Athletics and then Athletics Schedule. The district will be utilizing the Scheduler all year for try-outs, practices, and games, so be sure to save the link and check back often for updates.
Start dates for our sports teams are as follows:
- All varsity and junior varsity teams: August 19th
- Modified soccer: August 26th
- Modified volleyball: September 3rd
Below we have listed coaches for each sport. If you have questions about the schedule, please contact them or
Boys Soccer
- Varsity: Gregg Johns
- JV: Joel Bramer
- Modified: Brandon Marbot
Girls Soccer
- Varsity: Carley Ryan
- JV: Jeff Kelley
- Modified: Terry McCoy
- Varsity: Josh Bornt
- JV: Lauren Weaver
- Modified: Shannon Hughes
- Rick Thaxter