Score Deals and Support Class of ‘25!

We are fundraising. Support us by buying a book, sharing the post, telling your friends. SaveAround. Hand with a megaphone.The MCS Class of 2025 is raising funds for the junior prom by selling SaveAround coupon books.

The book contains discounts for many popular restaurants and venues in the Capital Region. Each coupon book also comes with a code to activate the mobile app for one year, providing additional ways to save money.  

Each book costs $25, with the MCS Class of ‘25 receiving 50% profit from each one sold. Please note there is an online sales charge of $0.99 for processing credit cards. 

See a junior class member to purchase a book or click here to order online. Enter a junior’s name when ordering so they get credit (email not needed).  

You can have the book delivered by a junior class member or have it shipped to your home at no additional cost. You can also order books for other areas in NY state or other states. Visit for code numbers for out-of-area purchases.

Orders close on Dec. 15.  

The MCS Class of ‘25 thanks you for your support.