Meet the 2025 Top 5

Five students stand on stairwell. Door in background.
Student stands next to Fort Plain Museum welcome sign.
Student stands with basketball and soccer ball. Mountain in background.
Student sits with pile of books in library.
Five students seated at table. Each is holding a book.
Student stands on volleyball court.
Student and teacher walk down road.
Student plays softball.
Five high school students standing and sitting in library classroom. Chair and table in foreground.
Student sits on curb. Autumn leaves in background.
Student walks down fallen log. Stream in the background.
Two young children stand on sidewalk.
Student raises arms and smiles. They are standing outdoors.
Five high school students standing on stairs. They are smiling and laughing.
MCS Top 5 Group Photos slider 2024-25-3
MCS Top 5 Group Photos slider 2024-25-2
MCS Top 5 Group Photos slider 2024-25-4
MCS Top 5 Group Photos slider 2024-25-1
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Middleburgh Central School District congratulates the Class of 2025 Top 5

Valedictorian: Brianna Devlin
Salutatorian: Kaelyn Jensen
Honor Graduate: Aster McGiver
Fourth Highest Average: Gabrielle Armlin
Fifth Highest Average: Morgan Masterson


BRIANNA DEVLINClubs, athletics, and activities: 

  • All County Music Festival
  • Athletic Association (treasurer)
  • Band
  • Choir
  • Class Treasurer
  • Esports
  • Interact (president)
  • Jazz Band
  • Marching Band
  • Middleburgh Fire Department
  • National Honor Society (treasurer)
  • National Junior Honor Society (president)
  • Piano Lessons
  • Varsity Soccer
  • Varsity Softball
  • Yearbook (president)
  • Youth As Leaders

Do you have good studying advice that you can pass down to help other students succeed?

When it comes to studying, I have a funny process: it’s called procrastination. However, find what works best for you so that you can build a routine and stick with it.

A quote that means a lot to you and why:
“Speak little, do much.” – Benjamin Franklin. This quote resonates with me as it advises against unnecessary talk, and instead focuses on meaningful action, a mindset I try to live by.

Something about the world that inspires you: 

Something that inspires me is first responders. The dedication, bravery, and selflessness they show are crucial to the safety and well-being of our communities.  

Something about the world that concerns you: 

Something that concerns me is the gender wage gap in STEM related fields where women are also underrepresented. 

Career goals?

I plan to study computer science/engineering in college. I’m not sure what career I’ll choose, but I know I’m interested in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing.

What you want people to know about you: 

In my free time, I enjoy building large and challenging Lego sets as well as gaming. 

MCS highlight: 

A highlight was when we went to Camp O. for our 5th-grade field trip and I broke my collarbone within the first hour of arrival. Although this didn’t occur while in high school, it is definitely a memory that stands out during my time here at MCS.


KAELYN JENSEN in senior portrait.Clubs, athletics, and activities: 

  • Band (percussion)
  • Class Representative in Student office
  • National Honor Society
  • Track (varsity)
  • Volleyball (club and varsity)
  • Youth As Leaders

Advice to help other students succeed:  

To be completely honest, I do not have any “good” study advice. Not saying this is a skill you should try and pick up, but I have gotten pretty good at procrastinating.

The quote that means a lot to you and why:  

One quote that means a lot to me came from two of my very best friends RaeAnna and Madi. They would always say during volleyball, “Even when you’re down, you’re up”. It was silly and completely random, but I think it is really meaningful and it would always make me smile.

Something about the world that inspires you:  

Something in the world that inspires me is the bonds we make with each other. You never know when you first meet someone how close you may become with them. Hundreds and thousands of interactions happen each day, but only so few of them blossom into lifelong friendships, relationships, and so much more. I try to cherish every new person I meet because you never know, one interaction can lead to so many opportunities. From the great words of Hozier, “I fall in love just a little ol’ little bit every day with someone new. Love with every stranger, the stranger the better.”

Something about the world that concerns you:  

Middle schoolers…enough said.

 Career goals?  

I wish to pursue some sort of career in criminal justice. My main goal would be to work for the FBI.

What you want people to know about you:  

Is there anything else I want people to know about me?… Well, I’m Batman, but shhhhhhhhh, it’s a secret!

MHS highlight:  

One highlight from high school would be Mr. Truesdell’s class. Everyday, 8th period, my friends and I would be able to laugh about our day and somehow, always be able to waste at least half of each class on any other topic except for math, even if Mr. Truesdell was not so happy with it.


Aster McGiver senior portrait.Clubs, athletics and activities: 

  • Drama Club
  • Jazz Band
  • Interact through Rotary International 
  • National Honor Society 
  • Secret Binder Clip Society (school literary magazine)
  • Select Choir: Music of the Knight

Advice to help other students succeed:

Question everything. The ability to question strengthens your ability to learn. The more you question, the more you will discover the truths of the world. It allows you to advocate for yourself, especially in situations where you are not encouraged to do so.

A quote that means a lot to you and why:  

 “You need a village, if only for the pleasure of leaving it. A village means that you are not alone, knowing that in the people, the trees, the earth, there is something that belongs to you, waiting for you when you are not there.” – Cesare Pavese. 

Family and the community that raised us, the village, is important, but leaving them is how we make our way in the world. At the same time, there’s always a place for you when you come back home.

Something about the world that inspires you:  

The ability to form connections and foster community is the most important aspect of being a human, and it keeps me hopeful about the future.

Something about the world that concerns you:  

I am concerned about the lack of care for education in the United States. Whether it be through academia or the trades, education is vital to upholding society.

Career goals?

I want to write, wherever that takes me! I have a deep love for storytelling and the fantastical, but also take a lot of interest in politics and social issues. I can see myself anywhere, from a writers’ room to reporting live in the field. 

What you want people to know about you:  

I’m a big fan of latte art and the public library.  

MHS highlight:  

The international trips headed by Mr. Dannible in freshman and junior year were life- changing experiences that I was so lucky to have access to and really opened up my worldview. (Communicating in languages you aren’t fluent in is a really fantastic exercise!)


Gabrielle Armlin senior portrait.Clubs, athletics and activities:

  • Basketball (varsity)
  • Drama Club
  • Interact Club
  • Music of the Knight
  • National Honor Society 
  • National Junior Honor Society
  • Ski Club
  • Soccer (varsity)
  • Track (varsity)
  • Volleyball (varsity)
  • Youth as Leaders

Advice to help other students succeed:  

Make sure to review material such as vocab, AP videos, and your textbook.

The quote that means a lot to you:  

I spent all this time in the closet, and yet I still can’t dress well.

 Something about the world that inspires you: 

People’s drive to fight for what they believe in.

Something about the world that concerns you:  

The lack of empathy we have as a society for those who are in unfortunate circumstances.

Career goals?  

I would like to become a neurologist. 

MHS highlight:  

Having the opportunity to attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Lowell Massachusetts.


Morgan Masterson senior portrait.Clubs, athletics and activities: 

  • Basketball (varsity)
  • National Honor  Society
  • Youth as Leaders
  • Ski Club
  • Soccer (varsity)
  • Student Council
  • Track (varsity)

Advice to help other students succeed:  

Don’t stress, it will only make things worse. Trust your gut. 

The quote that means a lot to you and why:  

Not my circus, not my monkeys. This quote reminds me that not everyone’s problems are mine, and focusing on yourself is important. 

Something about the world that inspires you:  

Something that inspires me in the world right now is my family. My family is the most important thing to me, and them believing in me makes me believe in myself. 

Something about the world that concerns you:  

Something in the world that concerns me is the pressure on young teens in the world right now. Schools and parents put a lot of pressure on kids to figure out what they want to do with their lives at such a young age. 

Career goal?  

I will be going to college to become a physical therapist or something in the medical field. 

What you want people to know about you:  

I have never lost a round of Monopoly.

MHS highlight:  

The highlight in my time at high school has been my sports teams. A lot of my most memorable moments have been with a team. Sports also helped me to make more friends across grades.