Meet Our New Office Administrators, Not New To MCS, Laurie McGeary and Ellen Miller

“Our main office and guidance team are Ellen Miller (main office) and Laurie McGeary (guidance office). They are both familiar faces around our school and we are happy to have them on board in new capacities,” said Principal Sloane. “Ellen is replacing Nancy Terrell upon her retirement and Laurie is replacing Jackie Wood upon her retirement.” 

Laurie McGeary’s motto is “look for the good and you will find it.”

She has worked at MCS for four years and is now the new Administrative Support in the Counseling Center.

Mrs. McGeary is a graduate of SUNY Albany and is an avid reader, saying there are too many greats to pick just one. Her favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. 


woman with a cool choppy bob haircut, big brown eyes, and smile showing no teethEllen Miller’s motto is “this too shall pass.”

She has worked at MCS for seven years and you will now see her front and center in the main office at the Jr./Sr. High School. 

Ms. Miller loves to read anything by Mary Higgins Clark. Her favorite movie, “Thanks to my kids making me watch it over and over… Jurassic Park,” she said.