Easy-Access Assistance Programs

Backpack Program| Jr./Sr. Food Pantry| Elementary Community Closet| Jr./Sr. Clothing Cubby

Nutritious food is key to both health and learning, and MCS has several resources available to supplement student nutrition. For households facing food insecurity, even a small boost can make a difference when finances are tight. Assistance is also available for incidentals such as toiletries and basic clothing items.

For the 2024-25 school year, there is no charge to students for breakfast and lunch at MCS. This is made possible through the Child Nutrition Community Eligibility Program. Additional food assistance is available to ensure students are not in danger of going hungry while they are away from school.

Backpack Program

Canned fruit mix and oatmeal on shelf labeled Backpack Program.

In collaboration with the Joshua Project, the MCS social work team administers the Backpack Program. Each Friday, students in need are provided with food for the weekend. The food is sent home with students on the bus or can be picked up. Any family at MCS can sign up. To enroll, email social worker Sierra Diamond or 518-827-3600 x 2332 to express a need.

During the summer, The Joshua Project continues to ensure that students will get the nutrition they need. Historically, on Fridays, volunteers assemble bags of food that are then delivered to MCS families. Each delivery provides a week’s worth of food for the student. Last summer, the program served 39 students. Details of the Joshua Project’s plans for the coming summer will be provided in the spring.

Jr./Sr. Food Pantry

The food pantry at Middleburgh Jr./Sr. High School was established through an award received by Bassett School-Based Health Care from the National School-Based Health Care Alliance, and is also supported by the Regional Food Bank. Enrollment requires no paperwork and is as simple as a student self-identifying a need. The pantry offers students access to foods of their choice on their own schedule once they are enrolled. Each Thursday, the pantry is restocked ensuring a wide variety of offerings in our inventory.

Elementary Community Closet

Elementary students can receive essential supplies, such as soap, pencils, underwear and gloves at the elementary school. Students, parents and guardians should reach out to their child’s homeroom teacher to identify a need.  

Jr./Sr. Clothing Cubby

The Clothing Cubby in room 105 supports students by providing access to free clothing items such as shorts, T-shirts, sweats, jeans, jackets, and footwear. A selection of personal care items is also available. To gain access to the Clothing Cubby, email Terry McCoy or stop in. No paperwork is required.