Plan Ahead for the Virtual Open House

Like many events during this pandemic, the annual Middleburgh Jr/Sr. High School open house is going virtual. Thursday, October 15 from 6PM to 8PM, parents are invited to follow their child’s schedule, meet the teachers, and get a better sense of the new teaching model. This will all be done through Zoom meetings.  How it …

Important daily reminders about returning to Middleburgh schools

Thank you to everyone that has helped with the planning for this school year. It has been an enormous undertaking and it has involved countless people. We will all need to be flexible and allow for changes to be made when necessary. Thank you also for reminding your children that building resiliency and adapting to …

Reminder: Be sure your children are up-to-date on their immunizations

Vaccination deadlines: Within 14 days of the first day of school or day care – children must receive the first age-appropriate dose in each immunization series to attend or remain in school or day care. Within 30 days after the first day of school or day care – parents or guardians must show that they have appointments …

Fourteen Middleburgh seniors named scholarship recipients

Congratulations to the following Middleburgh Jr./Sr. High School seniors who were named scholarship recipients from these universities and colleges at the conclusion of their junior year:  Sofia Falco:  Clarkson University Achievement Award    This award is designed to recognize junior students who demonstrate strong leadership qualities, positively impact their high school and local community, and have …

Need a device for the upcoming school year? Please submit a request via the Technology Request Form

The Middleburgh School District has a very limited supply of devices to be loaned out as plans for the 2020-21 school year continue. In an effort to provide technology to every student who urgently needs one during this academic year for remote or hybrid learning, we ask that you please complete this short request form. …

Jr./Sr. High School student schedules and teaming assignments announced

Dear Parents/ Guardians of the Junior/Senior High School, We are happy to share that student schedules and teaming assignment are posted on School Tool. There were a number of conditions that went into designing this year’s academic program under the current COVID-19 pandemic. Please review the following information and rationale: Schedules:     As a school …

‘Low risk’ sports to return to game play this fall; additional guidance will follow later this week

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today, Aug. 24, that the state will allow “low-risk” sports to return to game play this fall.   “Schools will be coming back, there will be a little bit of a period to gauge what’s happening, and Sept. 21 they can start practicing and playing across the state,” Cuomo said at a …

Jr./Sr. High School reopening plan modifications announced

Dear Middleburgh Jr./Sr. High School parents/guardians: Part of our comprehensive reopening schools planning includes an ongoing review of our instructional framework to be certain we have the best possible scheduling in place. We previously noted we expected there may be modifications to this framework as we neared September. As part of this evolving, fluid process, …

School reopening update: Grades 5 to 12 will now attend school remotely Sept. 8 to 14

Dear Middleburgh parents/guardians: COVID-19 supply issues are causing many school districts to revise their reopening plans and unfortunately Middleburgh is not exempt from these matters. Due to COVID-19 related delays, our Jr./ Sr. High School building will not be ready to open on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Because of this, there is a change in our …

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