Meet Our New Elementary School Behavioral Support Specialist, Amanda Guettler

Amanda Guettler received her Masters Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis in Autism from Russell Sage College. Before joining MCS, she spent three years at CloverPatch Preschool as a Behavior Specialist, and for four years prior to that she worked as a Teaching Assistant and Behavior Specialist at Wildwood Programs. Ms. Guettler’s motto is, “tomorrow is …

Meet Our New School Psychologist, Dr. Stacey Alexander

“I’m so excited to welcome Ms. Stacey Alexander as part of the team here at Middleburgh,” said Pupil Personnel Services Director Jennifer Bellen. “I had the honor of working alongside her years ago during our time at Schoharie. She’s a talented and experienced school psychologist who has a passion for supporting students to achieve their …

Meet Our New Third Grade Teacher, Kate McKenney

We are happy to welcome Kate McKenney to Middleburgh Elementary School. “While Kate is new to our building, she is not new to teaching,” said Elementary School Principal Amy Irwin. “She has already met with her team and brings a lot to the table as an experienced third grade teacher. We are so glad she …

Meet Our New Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Jennifer Bellen

Middleburgh Central School District is welcoming 15 new teachers and staff this school year. We are excited they are joining our team and we will be introducing you to them over the next two weeks. Our new Director of Pupil Personnel Services is Jennifer Bellen who received a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational …

Middleburgh to launch new communication platform to facilitate stronger school-home connection 

Beginning this fall, Middleburgh Central School District will transition from Blackboard to ParentSquare, a new communication platform that will allow the district, administrators and teachers to more effectively communicate with families. Like Blackboard, ParentSquare is fully integrated with SchoolTool and will be used to send updates to our families via email, text and voice. You …

Community update from Superintendent Dunn on return-to-school plans

Dear Middleburgh CSD families, With the start of the new school year fast approaching, I know that many of you are anxious to learn of the district’s opening plans. I wanted to share with you an update of what we are proposing at this time, with the knowledge that this is still an evolving situation …

Superintendent to hold upcoming Zoom discussions on opening of schools, instructional programming

Dear MCS families,  I am extending an invitation to my next Virtually Speaking Zoom conversations on Thursday, August 19 and Monday, August 23 from 1:00-2:00PM and 7:00-8:00PM. I encourage you to join us for a discussion about: The opening of schools this fall. Instructional programming.  Virtually Speaking conversations offer families an opportunity to hear about a …

Fall Sports and Physical Fitness

MCS is pumped about the opportunities for athletics this year. The fall sports season is just around the corner. Have you signed up?  For students in grades 7-12, fill out this form to participate in either soccer, golf, cross country, or girls volleyball. MCS boys and girls cross country will be merging with BKW again. The …

Letter from Superintendent Dunn regarding return-to-school plans

Dear Middleburgh CSD families, As we near the halfway point of summer, many of you may be wondering what the new school year will look like. If you are like families across the region, I’m sure you have some questions. At Middleburgh Central School District, we are planning for a full return to school in …

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