Fridays in July – Come Listen to Music Outside the HS

This Friday, July 22 at 8PM, MCS students and faculty will perform rock and pop music on the stage in front of the Jr. / Sr. High School. The Summer Modern Band will be opening this show.  The following week, Friday, July 29, they will be playing Broadway themed music. This is part of the Middleburgh …

MCS Labor of Love – Creating a Special Place of Remembrance

It was more than just a carpentry project. Two benches that students designed and built in a new class offered at the high school this year, represents support for the Middleburgh community. The new Career and Technical Exploration class, taught by Mr. Scott Gray, combines architecture, manufacturing, principles of engineering, materials processing, and construction.  His …

MCS Building and Grounds Staff Learn From Industry Experts

Middleburgh Building and Grounds staff have been on the front lines of establishing and maintaining a safe learning environment for our school community. Their knowledge of proper procedures and utilizing the right products and equipment during the pandemic, helped keep our students healthy and our schools open for in-person learning.  Director of Facilities, Bill Himme …

2022 Jr. / Sr. High School Awards

National Junior Honor Society Language Arts Award Sponsored by the MCS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society Given to seventh, eighth and ninth grade students who have shown the most enthusiasm and effort in Language Arts.  Seventh – Stella Beardsley $20.00 Eighth – Evelyn Kelley $20.00 Ninth – Katharine McGiver $20.00 National Junior Honor …

This Week: Summer Band Rehearsal and Concert

The first Middleburgh Summer Band rehearsal and concert are this week. Performers must be present at the Thursday rehearsal to play the Friday concert. Rehearsal Thursday, July 7 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Jr. / Sr. High School band room. Concert Friday, July 8 at 8 p.m. (performers need to be there at 7 p.m. …

Sign up for Little Knights Cheerleading Camp by July 5

Who: All kids welcome entering 5th and 6th grades What: Cheerleading camp, 8:30am to 3:00pm Where: Middleburgh High School Pavilion When: Monday, July 11 thru Friday, July 15 For the registration form, click here.  Camp will be run by enthusiastic, experienced coaches and assistants. The athletes will be learning basic skills and building on them …

New Law To Address Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act will be a new law on July 1, 2022. This law requires schools, students, and parents/guardians to have information on sudden cardiac arrest risks, signs, and symptoms. Please note that sudden cardiac arrest in children and youth is rare. The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) on …

2024-2025 School Supplies for 7th, 8th, 9th Grades

Click the link to take you to your grade level: 7th Grade | 8th Grade | 9th Grade 7th Grade Supply List   A printable copy of 7th grade supplies is available here. General Charged laptop/device Science Mrs. Rivet Pens/pencils Colored pencils 1.5 inch 3 ring binder 3 dividers for binder  100-page composition notebook (1) Headphones/earbuds …

Important Graduation Information

Graduation is quickly approaching. Here is some information you need to know. Graduation Rehearsal Thursday, June 23 beginning at 12:30 in the auditorium. Graduation tickets will be handed out during the rehearsal. This is a mandatory event for all graduates.  Graduation Details Friday, June 24 doors will open at 6 p.m. Seats are on a …

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