Hardcover 2020 yearbooks have arrived; distribution is Aug. 11 and 12

Attention: Middleburgh school community: The MCS 2020 “hardcover”  yearbooks have arrived! Please note: the elementary softcover books have not yet arrived. The distribution of pre-ordered books and the selling of extra hardcover yearbooks will take place: Tuesday, Aug. 11 and Wednesday, Aug. 12 5 to 7 p.m. at Timothy Murphy Park Pavilion (Route 30) The …

Public comment sought for proposed revisions to district’s Code of Conduct and School Safety Plan

Middleburgh school community: Discussions will take place at the Board of Education’s Aug. 26 meeting on proposed revisions to the district’s Code of Conduct and the School Safety Plan Revisions are available for public review and comment via BoardDocs: Read the revisions to the  School Safety Plan We invite you to review the proposed changes …

Request for participation: Please complete the Parent/Guardian Instructional Preference/Transportation Form

Dear Parents/Guardians:  The Middleburgh School District is committed to providing every student with the highest quality instructional program to ensure academic success and achievement in an environment which places the health and safety as the first priority.    As we continue our detailed and thoughtful work to reopen Middleburgh schools next month, it’s important that …

Board of Education to meet Wednesday, Aug. 5 at 6 p.m.

The Middleburgh Board of Education will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 5  at  6 p.m. in the gym. Please note: The location change is due to Capital Project work. Attendees should enter building through the gym lobby. Parking is available in public lot behind Stewart’s. Additionally, attendees must be prepared to follow all state and federal …

Phase II of Middleburgh’s $922,936 Smart Schools Investment Plan approved; funds will finance the district’s student laptop initiative

Phase II of the Middleburgh School District’s $922,936 Smart Schools Investment Plan has been approved by the Smart Schools Review Board. The July 30 approval of Phase II of the grant allocates $504,603 for technology acquisition and school connectivity.  Phase II funds will be used to finance the district’s 1:1 laptop initiative for students in …

District to hold virtual community forums on Aug. 3 and 4 to review 2020-21 school reentry plan

The Middleburgh School District will hold a series of school reopening parent forums on Aug. 3 and 4, via Zoom, allowing district officials to review school reentry plans for elementary, special education and junior/high school students in addition to an opportunity for community questions. The district submitted its 2020-21 School Reentry Plan to the State …

School Reentry Task Force work continues; hybrid/blended learning model and schedule planned

The Middleburgh COVID-19 School Reentry Task Force held its first meeting today, July 28, where an in-depth review of Middleburgh’s preliminary 2020-21 Reentry Plan, containing all the necessary information requested by the New York State Department of Education (SED), took place. In that meeting. Superintendent Brian Dunn, Jr./Sr. High School Principal Matthew Sloane, Elementary School …

A special message from Superintendent Brian Dunn on the unexpected passing of a Middleburgh graduate

Dear Middleburgh families, During a time of the year when our students should be enjoying moments away from school with their friends and families with minimal concerns or sadness, I’m writing to share news of the unexpected passing of Isabel Skowfoe, one of our Class of 2020 graduates. Isabel was wonderful and gifted young woman, …

Middleburgh’s Reopening School Task Force continues comprehensive planning for September’s return to school

Attention Middleburgh school community: As you know, we’ve been reviewing recently received New York state guidance which includes a clearer timeline regarding Middleburgh schools will open for the 2020-21 school year. Reminder: Middleburgh knows reopening our schools is a community-wide undertaking and we’re looking for your input via a reopening schools survey. Request for family …

NYSPHSAA delays the official start date of the fall sports season, cancels fall championships and provides contingency guidance

Today, July 16, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) voted to delay the official start date of the fall sports season until Sept. 21,  cancel the fall regional and state championships and prepare to implement a condensed season schedule in January 2021 if high school sports remain prohibited throughout 2020 due …

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