New Teaching Resource to Empower Students

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, In an effort to develop more efficient ways to streamline information between teachers and students, Middleburgh Central School District will be transitioning to G Suite for Education. This collaborative tool will help support our new online teaching and learning environment. Every student will be getting access within the next few weeks. …


Dear Parents and Guardians, It’s the middle of the first quarter and interim progress reports have been sent. We appreciate your effort and patience during this unprecedented time. It has been critical to our successful reopening. When we enter the second quarter, fully remote students have the opportunity to choose the way they are instructed. …

Plan Ahead for the Virtual Open House

Like many events during this pandemic, the annual Middleburgh Jr/Sr. High School open house is going virtual. Thursday, October 15 from 6PM to 8PM, parents are invited to follow their child’s schedule, meet the teachers, and get a better sense of the new teaching model. This will all be done through Zoom meetings.  How it …

Tonda B. Dunbar named Middleburgh Elementary School substitute principal

Tonda B. Dunbar has been named Middleburgh Elementary School substitute principal while Principal Amy Irwin is on a medical leave. Mrs. Dunbar, who lives in Middleburgh, retired in 2016 as the district director of curriculum and instruction for the Schenectady City School District. During her 23 years as an educator and administrator, Mrs. Dunbar was …

Important daily reminders about returning to Middleburgh schools

Thank you to everyone that has helped with the planning for this school year. It has been an enormous undertaking and it has involved countless people. We will all need to be flexible and allow for changes to be made when necessary. Thank you also for reminding your children that building resiliency and adapting to …

Board of Education to meet Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m.

The Middleburgh Board of Education will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. High School auditorium.  Attendees can enter the building through the main entrance or the Clauverwie entrance. Attendees must be prepared to follow all state and federal mandates tied to social distancing and the wearing of masks. To view …

Reminder: Be sure your children are up-to-date on their immunizations

Vaccination deadlines: Within 14 days of the first day of school or day care – children must receive the first age-appropriate dose in each immunization series to attend or remain in school or day care. Within 30 days after the first day of school or day care – parents or guardians must show that they have appointments …

Fourteen Middleburgh seniors named scholarship recipients

Congratulations to the following Middleburgh Jr./Sr. High School seniors who were named scholarship recipients from these universities and colleges at the conclusion of their junior year:  Sofia Falco:  Clarkson University Achievement Award    This award is designed to recognize junior students who demonstrate strong leadership qualities, positively impact their high school and local community, and have …

Important information regarding the start of the 2020-21 elementary school year

The following information was sent home via email to elementary parents on Wednesday, Sept. 2: Drop Off: Buses will bring students to the side gym entrance through the parking lot. Students will disembark buses at 8:00. Families dropping off students will come to the front loop at 3 entrances: Cafeteria door for Pre-K/K, front entrance …

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