MCS Blood Drive, October 25 from 12-6PM

Right now there is an emergency blood and platelet shortage at a time where patient needs are high. If you are able to donate, the Red Cross needs your help.  The Middleburgh Central School district is having a blood drive on Monday, October 25 in the gymnasium of the Middleburgh Jr. / Sr. High School. …

The School Store is Open For Business

It’s spirit week and the school store is stocked with supplies. Get your rally towel for the Homecoming games this week for just $3.00, short sleeved and long sleeved shirts and sweatshirts from $15.00-$25.00, coffee mugs, and more! The Armory school store, located in the library of the Jr. / Sr. High School also sells …

October Virtually Speaking Office Hours

Dear MCS families,  Parents and guardians of students at Middleburgh Central Schools are invited to join Superintendent Brian Dunn for his next Virtually Speaking Zoom office hours. Tuesday, October 5 for families connected to the Jr. / Sr. High School  Tuesday, October 12 for families connected to the Elementary School We understand you all have …

Varsity XC Team Talks About Enhancing Their Lives By Running

For the second year in a row, the MCS-BKW cross-country team is up and running. The Berne-Knox-Westerlo Bulldogs and the Middleburgh Knights merged together in 2020 forming The Bullknights. Athletes running on the varsity team this year are: senior Aidan Martin, sophomore Dean Rogers, and eighth grader Jakob Lloyd. It takes great drive and initiative to …

Little Knights Soccer Starts Next Week

A new soccer program will start Tuesday, October 5 for elementary students in grades fourth through sixth. It’s called Little Knights, and it’s a skill-based program geared towards boys and girls who are interested in playing soccer in the coming years at the Jr. / Sr. High School.  “This is a great opportunity for our …

Guidance and Information Related to COVID-19

Dear MCS Families,  We hope you and your children have settled into the school year nicely and are comfortable with how things are going. Middleburgh Central School District is doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our students, staff and families. Keeping our facilities disinfected, wearing masks indoors, and other COVID-19 prevention protocols …

Hard Working FFA Students Don’t Take Summers Off

Tomorrow, September 16, the Middleburgh FFA Chapter will meet for the first time this school year. “We will be doing a t-shirt sale this fall as our first fundraiser. Money will be used to help students attend the National FFA Convention,” said FFA Advisor Carmen Fagnani. Over the summer the FFA remained as busy as …

Six Year Water Quality Assessment

Mrs. Burgett took her AP environmental science students kick sampling for macroinvertebrates at the Schoharie and Gorge creeks. They are monitoring stream health by measuring the species richness and abundance of stream invertebrates. This data is part of a six year study that she has conducted with her students. Due to the abundance of rain …

Take Home Free Food Every Friday with Our Backpack Program

Reminder, if you want to be a recipient of the Backpack Program, please tell your child’s teacher by the end of the day. Any family at MCS can sign up for our Backpack Program to take home a free bag of food every Friday afternoon. The food is sent home with your student or can …

MCS Will Never Forget

At the Jr./Sr. High School today, students, teachers, and staff took part in an annual ceremony to commemorate the September 11th attack on our nation. Principal Sloane said, ““Thank you for being respectful. Thank you for carrying the flag. Twenty years ago tomorrow, many of you, actually all of you were not born yet.” He …

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