Virtually Speaking: Zoom Office Hours with Superintendent Dunn

Parents and guardians of Elementary and Jr. / Sr. High School students, please join Superintendent Dunn tomorrow, April 12 for Virtually Speaking. There will be two sessions: from 1:00-2:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM.   On the agenda: Superintendent Search Process 2022-2023 School Budget and Board Vote End of Year Events Review Gorge Creek Update  Please check …

BOE Begins Superintendent Search Process with BOCES Consultants

On Monday, April 4, the Middleburgh CSD Board of Education met with the Capital Region BOCES search consultants to begin the process of finding the next superintendent of schools. The board has chosen to conduct a confidential search for its next leader. The next step in the search will be to engage the community in …


Fourth Highest Average, Adam Maxwell: Basketball, tennis, esports club MHS Highlight: The best memory I have would be enjoying time with my friends at Homecoming.  What you want people to know about you: I’m a easy going person and friendly to everyone, and is responsible. Career goals: I want to pursue business administration and hopefully make a …

MCS Girls Learn To Trust Protective Instincts And Other Defense Moves

High School Spanish teacher Lisa Himme, a supporter of empowerment, set up a self-defense workshop for girls in grades 7-12. There were two sessions. The first was about thinking and listening or trusting our instincts and the latter was physical training.  Lecturer and professional trainer, Mark Mau, taught practical tips, demonstrated techniques and coached the …

Local Author To Talk to Elementary Students About Helping Less Fortunate

Emmy Award-winning journalist and author, John Gray will visit the elementary school Tuesday, April 12, to talk with students and read his latest book, Sweet Polly Petals.   Mr. Gray tells uplifting stories to teach children that kindness is the path to happiness. He is a father of three and lives in upstate New York …

Superintendent Dunn Accepts Position as Next Leader of Pine Bush CSD

Dear MCS Families,  For the last four years, our school district has experienced spectacular advancement across the board in terms of instruction, technology, the arts, athletics, extracurricular programs, and facility upgrades. We have accomplished these things with great leadership and responsible budgets that had minimal or no increases to our taxpayers.  As President of the …

Virtually Speaking for April 5 is Rescheduled to April 12

Due to a scheduling conflict, the April 5 Virtually Speaking Zoom conversation with Superintendent Brian Dunn is being rescheduled to the following week.  On Tuesday, April 12, Superintendent Dunn will accommodate parents and guardians of both schools at the same time. Zoom links to participate will be emailed the day before the session. 

Yearbook Sale – Now Through April 27

It’s time to put in your order if you want a book of photo memories from this school year.  There are two yearbooks to choose from: $55.00 hardcover showcasing students in Pre-K through grade 12 $20.00 softcover showcasing Elementary School students  Click this link for the order form. Make checks payable to MCS Yearbook and …

Getting to Know The 2022 Top 5: Honor Graduate, Benjamin Diamond

Honor Graduate, Benjamin Diamond: I was a part of Odyssey of the Mind for the later years of elementary school. In 8th grade, I was involved in bowling. Now, I am the project coordinator for the INTERACT Club and the Vice President of Game Club. MHS Highlight: Homecoming this year was definitely a highlight. I …

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