MCS Receives School of Excellence Award

MCS has been honored with the prestigious New York State Public High School Athletic Association Inc. (NYSPHSAA) School of Excellence Award for the 2023-24 school year. This recognition is awarded to schools where at least 75% of varsity teams qualify for the Scholar Athlete Team Award. MCS surpassed this benchmark. “The efforts made by student-athletes …

District opens public comment period on safety plan

The Middleburgh Central School District Board of Education is now accepting comments regarding the Districtwide Safety Plan.  A copy of the Districtwide Safety Plan is available here. Comments may be submitted to the District Clerk Kim Lawyer no later than Aug. 20 at 3  p.m. The district will have a public hearing before the Aug. …

Adventurous Students Explore Mountains, Museums, and Music

  The recent Mountains, Museums and Music program was the gateway to enrichment for 12 MCS high school students. They explored new vistas, learned about contemporary art and took a train to NYC where history and art merged in the musical “Hamilton.” Retired teacher Lisa Himme organized and chaperoned the trips.  On June 26, students …

Experiential Learning Opens the World for Students

Photo gallery Middleburgh Central School District Superintendent Mark Place has been able to say “yes” to a lot of teacher requests for field trip approval this year. He has said “yes” over 100 times. That’s because the district has placed a priority on experiential learning both inside and outside the classroom. “We know that in …

Budget Newsletter and Information

On Tuesday, May 21, Middleburgh Central School District residents approved a $24,900,000 budget for the 2024-25 school year by a margin of 69.9% in favor to 30.1% opposed. The budget increases spending by 2.42%, or $587,510 from the current year, and includes a tax levy increase of $153,836 or 1.50%. Since the tax levy increase …

Invitation to Shape the Future of Title One – Parent Involvement Policy

On May 21, MCS will host a meeting for parents and guardians to discuss potential updates to the district’s Title One – Parent Involvement Policy. The meeting will be held from 5:30 to 6 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. High School Conference Room (Room 107). Title One is a federal program aimed at providing financial assistance …

MES Festival of the Arts May 21

Parents, guardians and family members are invited to an art exhibit and concert during the Middleburgh Elementary School Festival of Arts on May 21! This is an opportunity to highlight the creative work and musical performance of our students. Please note: All activities will take place in the Jr./Sr. High School Gymnasium. Schedule: Noon to …

Students Learn Dangers of Distracted Driving

Hang Up and Drive joined forces with Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) on May 3, to bring a crucial message to grade 9-12 students about the perils of distracted driving. Through both an assembly and a simulation, students were able to learn how alcohol, drugs, peer pressure and risky behavior can lead to accidents behind …

Calling All Musicians: Join the Summer Band

Middleburgh students and community members have the opportunity to rehearse and perform together this summer as part of the Middleburgh Summer Band. All ages and experience levels are welcome to join. The Middleburgh Joint Recreation Committee sponsors the summer series. Rehearsals will be held Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Middleburgh Jr/Sr High Band Room …

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