Adventurous Students Explore Mountains, Museums, and Music


People and buildings in NYC.

The recent Mountains, Museums and Music program was the gateway to enrichment for 12 MCS high school students. They explored new vistas, learned about contemporary art and took a train to NYC where history and art merged in the musical “Hamilton.” Retired teacher Lisa Himme organized and chaperoned the trips. 

Students gather for a snack in shade of fire tower.On June 26, students hiked Kane Mountain, took in the view from atop the fire tower, ate a picnic lunch among the evergreens, and cooled off with a visit to Caroga Lake. View of of river and mountains.

Students look at walls covered with paper notes.The following day, students explored contemporary art at Mass MoCA in North Adams, Massachusetts. Himme recounts that the students were captivated by the “White Noise” exhibit, which explores the visual representation of speech and sound.

On June 28, students traveled to Hudson and toured Olana, the home of artist Frederick Church. Students explored the grounds and were treated to views of the Hudson River. It was the perfect setting for MCS artists to work with watercolor pencils and create their own sketches.

Students sketching at picnic table.Mountains, Museums and Music concluded with a train trip to New York City, where Himme says the students were mesmerized by the performance of “Hamilton.” Students also got to experience Mexican cuisine before leaving NYC.Students seated in ornate theater.

The Mountains, Museums and Music program is just one of many opportunities MCS is offering to students this summer. It’s an extension of the district’s emphasis on experiential learning. While activities like these help students learn more about the world beyond Middleburgh, they also give a larger community an opportunity to see who MCS students are.

“The students were model ambassadors for our district, and I couldn’t be more proud of them,” exclaimed Himme. Students listen to man discuss art exhibit.