Changes to Elementary School Visitation and Drop-off procedures for 2018-19

a map showing elementary traffic flow and student drop off points

Student safety is, and continues to be, the number one priority of Middleburgh Central Schools. In order to maintain a safe environment for our students to study and learn, it is necessary for us to strictly monitor who is coming and going from our building. We are also changing student drop-off procedures to create a safer environment for our students. Here are some ways that you can help keep our students safe this coming school year.

Sign In

Whenever you enter the Elementary School, you will now be required to stop at the Main Office first. All visitors to our building will need to give their name, reason for visiting, and sign in before being allowed to enter the Elementary School. Prior to leaving the Main Office and entering the building, all visitors will be given a visitor’s badge that must be worn at all times while in the building. Before leaving, visitors will also need to sign out at the Main Office.

Lunch Time Visits

In order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment for all of our students, regular lunchtime visits are no longer permitted. If you need to drop off food or money for your child, please bring it to the Main Office and your child will be called down to pick it up as soon as possible. Lunchtime visits between adults and students will be limited to special events put on by the school and PTO only (ex: Thanksgiving Dinner, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.). Parents, grandparents, and family members are strongly encouraged to participate in their child’s classroom activities and celebrations with prior permission from the classroom teacher. We appreciate your understanding on this change.

Updated Student Drop-Off Procedures for September

The safety of our students while they are on school grounds is our highest priority. To make sure all students are safe as they arrive in the morning and leave in the afternoon, we have implemented a new A.M. drop-off protocol for students. The new drop-off area will be the side entrance by the gymnasium, and we have outlined a drop-off area for parents (please see the map at the top of this page). We will have adults positioned in this area to monitor traffic flow and escort students to class if necessary.

Parents of Pre-K students may park in the parking lot and escort their children to class. Please remember that school doors will open at 8:05 a.m. for students who do not come early for breakfast.