Senior Experience 2023

Celebrating the class of 2023

“Students, take control of your education. Be captains of your learning and bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.” — Joel Schiffler

The Senior Experience page will offer news and information for senior students and their families throughout the 2022-23 school year, including:

… and more!

News will also be shared with parents via the Senior Experience 2023 ParentSquare group.

Graduation Dates and Information


June 6-7: Cap and Gown Pick Up

Seniors should pick up their caps and gowns in the library during the school day. Seniors will not receive their tassel until they arrive for the graduation ceremony on June 23.  

June 11: Baccalaureate ServiceDutch Reformed Church 

Students should wear their caps and gowns and meet in the church’s Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m. before the service.  Service begins at 7 p.m.

June 12-13: Laptop Returns

Students must turn in their laptops and chargers. Items will be collected in the library “Maker Space” (the lower library level by the math rooms). Any student taking a Regents exam can turn in their device after their test, at any point during Regents week. All devices and chargers should be returned no later than Thursday, June 22, by 2 p.m. Seniors will not receive their diploma until their device is returned.   

June 13:  Senior Graduation Walk/Class Day

Wearing their caps and gowns, seniors will meet and walk through the high school and then head to the elementary school to meet in the elementary gym. They will walk through the school to share this special occasion with the elementary school faculty, staff and students. The seniors will then return to the high school to assist with Class Day.

June 16: Senior Awards and Recognition Night, high school auditorium 

Seniors should meet in the band room no later than 5:30 p.m. Event begins at 6 p.m.

June 22: Senior Lunch/Graduation Rehearsal

Seniors should meet in the cafeteria at 11:30 a.m. Rehearsal will begin at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Seniors will be given the requested number of graduation tickets at lunch.  

June 23: Graduation

Students should meet at 6:15 p.m. in the high school library. The ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. There will be a reception immediately following under the pavilion in the rear of the school, accompanied by a fireworks display.  Due to limited seating, tickets are required for this event.

Ticket Request 

The Class of 2023 graduation ceremony will be held 7pm June 23 at the MCSD Jr./Sr. Auditorium. Each graduate may request up to ten tickets for the event. 

Indicate the number of tickets you are requesting on the attached form

If you have trouble accessing the form, please contact Mr. Sloane

If additional seating is available after completing the initial requests, MCSD will send a Parent Square message alerting families and guardians that extra tickets are available. 

MCSD will distribute the remaining tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.

School and community events

Senior Trip


Members of the Class of 2023 can travel together to Ocean City, New Jersey for a Senior Trip June 2-4. Senior Class Advisors Jody DeJong and Josh Bornt will act as chaperones with additional staff and faculty members. There will be one chaperone for every 10 students.

The cost of the trip will be determined in mid-May after proceeds from the Krispy Kreme fundraiser are totaled and will include the following:

  • Transportation to the motel
  • Accommodations for Friday and Saturday nights
  • Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday
  • Dinner on Friday and Saturday

Students will share hotel rooms with three other senior class members to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

All students going on the trip MUST provide a $75 trip deposit and signed permission slip to Jody DeJong by May 12.

If students would like to purchase a two-hour unlimited ride pass for Playland’s Castaway Cove Amusement Park, they must provide an additional $25 with their deposit. Permission slips are available in the library and on the Class of 2023 bulletin board.

Students on the trip MUST have at least $50 on hand to purchase additional meals and pay for activities. Students may bring a small amount of non-perishable food or snacks. No meals will be provided through the school cafeteria.  

Important notes:

  • All attendees will leave school on the bus at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, June 2.
  • Each student will be allowed one travel-size bag on the bus. Excessive baggage will be left at school in a locked room.
  • Return time will be approximately 4 p.m. Sunday, June 4. Students will notify parents and guardians by phone call or text of the estimated arrival time at the MCS High School parking lot.

All Code of Conduct rules apply during the trip. Students must hand off their packed bags to DeJong on Thursday, June 1, so class advisors can check them. A small handbag or carry-on may be added Friday morning, but class advisors will inspect it before departure. DO NOT pack essentials such as medication in the luggage staying at school overnight. MCS reserves the right to recheck bags if suspicious activity is detected or suspected. 

Contact DeJong with any questions.

Class of 2023 Traveling to Bronx Zoo

Members of the Middleburgh Central School District Class of 2023 will travel to the Bronx Zoo on April 24. There is no cost for transportation or entrance to the zoo, but a signed permission form is required.


  • Students must meet outside the gym lobby by 6:45 a.m.
  • The chartered Brown Coach bus will leave the school at 7 a.m.
  • Students may pack a lunch, dinner and snacks or purchase food at the zoo. No glass containers are allowed.
  • Students who receive free or reduced-price meals may pre-order breakfast and lunch, which will be ready on the morning of the trip.
  • Large coolers and bags will be placed in storage on the bus.
  • Students should pay attention to the weather, dress appropriately, bring a refillable water bottle and wear comfortable shoes.
  • The estimated departure from the zoo is 5 p.m., and the estimated return to MCS is 8 p.m.

Parents and guardians must ensure their student can notify them when the returning bus is close to the school so they can pick students up promptly.

For a printed copy of the permission form or more information about the trip, contact Senior Class Co-Advisor Jody DeJong.

Scholarship and College Information

Ms. Jones sent an email to all senior class members with an invitation to join the “scholarships” Google Classroom.  Please accept the invitation.

Information regarding all scholarships and awards will be posted in the Google Classroom only, if you are not a part of it you will miss important information.

SAT Information

Seniors, be sure to periodically check the bulletin board outside the main office for announcements on SAT test dates, scholarships, and college representative visits to our school. 

Top 5

Middleburgh Central Schools would like to congratulate the Class of 2023 Top 5.

Valedictorian: Sienna Kelley
Salutatorian: Megan Bramer
Honor Graduate: Riley Cronin
4th Highest Average: Caroline Adams
5th Highest Average: Joeleen Dines

“These extraordinary individuals have surpassed all of our expectations,” Principal Matthew Sloane said.  “They will be pursuing goals that are unique to each of them and show the diversity of student interest at MCS. We are proud of their accomplishments and wish them the very best as they finish out their high school career and embark on their next adventure.”

MCSD would like to recognize all of our hardworking students and seniors for their tireless efforts this year to better themselves and our school community.

Getting to Know The 2023 Top 5: Sienna Kelley, Valedictorian

A teen smiles at the camera in a senior class pose.What you want people to know about you: I’m on the hunt for the perfect cappuccino. Hit me up for suggestions. 

Career goals? I hope to have the opportunity to do what I love to do, write music! It would be cool to write for films or record companies, but we’ll see what happens. (I’m only 17, after all.)

Advice to help other students succeed: Never stop asking questions. Question your teachers, your peers, your administration, the curriculum, the entire system. Not just to start a riot but to actively engage as much as you can. Curiosity is a direct result of caring for something, so find what you care about and get curious. 

Something about the world that concerns you: I try not to think about the world with a negative connotation, but rather ask the question, “How can we help others who are hurting?” If anything, I would say that viewing the world in a single-minded way encourages our fears to continue to hurt others. 

Something about the world that inspires you: The courage communities can have to support each other through fear and suffering and come through with hope for each other. 

A quote that means a lot to you and why: “Have courage and be kind.” Simple instructions for a positive attitude towards life. 

MHS highlight: Going to World Finals with my Odyssey of the Mind team. They’re my second family, and getting to be creative and goofy together was a blast. 

Clubs, athletics, and activities:  

  • Odyssey of the Mind (President)
  • Drama Club (President) 
  • Jazz Band (President)
  • Class of 2023 (Vice President)
  • National Honor Society (Treasurer)
  • Student Congress
  • Music of the Knight 
  • Interact Club
  • Piano Lessons (Grade 2-12)

Getting to Know The 2023 Top 5: Megan Bramer, Salutatorian

What you want people to know about you: For the longest time, I’ve had a huge interest in theater. I have participated in a grand total of 13 musicals so far, and I enjoy watching professional theater like Broadway and traveling tours. Teenage girl poses for senior class portrait. She is smiling.

Career goals? In college I plan to pursue marine biology and hopefully one day begin to rehabilitate decaying aquatic ecosystems and restore neglected oceanic areas. 

Advice to help other students succeed: Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one. Take the right path. 

Something about the world that concerns you: I believe the human race struggles with our trust. Both globally and interpersonally on smaller levels, we have to choose who we trust and often, we choose to trust some people far too much or not at all. I believe that this has helped create a multitude of divides among us as a species and I hope the world will one day see a more united and logical global society. 

Something about the world that inspires you: I love being able to look at Earth and see it bursting with life. Not the lives of humans, per se, but the life in every blade of grass, every tiny bug, and the life flowing through things others may not see beauty in.  

The quote that means a lot to you and why: “The rules are crumbling and no one knows what the new rules are. So make your own rules.” -Neil Gaiman. This quote really resonates with me because the world around us is constantly changing, and I feel that myself and my generation can get ready to rise up and be the new leaders. Leadership has always been an important part of who I am and this quote empowered me to be a better leader. 

MHS highlight: My favorite memory at MCS is the 2022 Prom. I had a wonderful time with all of my closest friends. Not only that, but we worked really hard to plan it and it felt like it paid off for everyone, especially those of us who worked on the planning. I also really enjoyed seeing everyones school spirit during spirit weeks and pep rallies. 

Clubs, athletics, and activities: 

  • Varsity Volleyball (Captain)
  • Drama Club
  • National Honor Society
  • Youth as Leaders

Getting to Know the 2023 Top 5: Riley Cronin, Honor Graduate

A teen smiles at the camera in a senior class pose.

What you want people to know about you: My family and friends are very important to me, and I enjoy reading and spending time with my siblings.

Career goals? I want to pursue a career in nursing, specifically as a NICU nurse. 

Advice to help other students succeed: Try your best. It is all anyone could ever ask of you. Always ask questions even if you are embarrassed to ask them. It will only benefit you in the long run.

A quote that means a lot to you and why: “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” This quote means a lot to me because I had a major setback in sixth grade after having surgery that left me out of school for almost two months. It was hard to be able to come back from the surgery and return to school while being behind the other students. I always have put my hardest into my school work, so it was very hard for me to catch up on the almost two months I missed. Thankfully because of the wonderful and caring teachers I had in sixth grade, I was able to get caught up and continue to fight so hard for my education from that point forward. 

Something about the world that concerns you: One thing about the world that concerns me is access to healthcare. Many people go without routine physicals or check ups and even medications that are necessary for their health because they can’t afford them. 

Something about the world that inspires you: One thing about the world that inspires me is the kindness of strangers. There are some people out there that would give you the shirt off their back in a heartbeat even if it was the only shirt they had. 

MHS highlight: The late nights leading up to Technopalooza in 2018 when we did karaoke in the tech room with Mr. Gray while getting the students’ projects ready.

Clubs, athletics and activities: 

  • Volleyball (Since Grade 7)
  • Cheerleading (Grades 9-10)
  • National Honor Society
  • Musicals (Grades 6-8)
  • Music of the Knight
  • Youth As Leaders

Getting to Know The 2023 Top 5: Caroline Adams

A teen smiles at the camera in a senior class pose.What you want people to know about you: I love to travel, and I would love to see the world one day. 

Career goals? I would love to work for Google one day in the marketing department. I’m currently committed to Siena for Marketing/Communications. I’m extremely excited about the future and what it holds.

Advice to help other students succeed: It doesn’t take a lot to show up and do your work; you can still have fun, go out, and manage good grades. Always try to find a balance. 

Something about the world that concerns you: The negative impacts of social media and how it influences the world. 

Something about the world that inspires you: The perseverance people have shown throughout my life. Most people I know have had difficult times or challenges they had to face, but they overcame them, which is something I will always strive to do.

The quote that means a lot to you and why: “Health is wealth.” This is a short quote, but it really resonated with me because we as humans take a lot for granted and don’t realize what we have until it’s gone.  

MHS highlight: Our Junior Prom and Winter Formal.

Clubs, athletics and activities:

  • Odyssey of the Mind (Multiple years)
  • National Honor Society (Co-secretary, Grade 12)
  • Drama Club (Grades 8-12)
  • FBLA (Treasurer, Grade 12)
  • Student Congress (Grade 11 and 12)
  • Youth as Leaders
  • Junior Prom Set-Up

Getting to Know the 2023 Top 5: Joeleen Dines 

A teen smiles at the camera in a senior class pose.What you want people to know about you: I love to travel internationally and have been to four different countries. 

Career goals? I want to become more educated in the agricultural field to eventually be able to come back to my hometown and help struggling farmers with the business side of their operations. 

Advice to help other students succeed: Although school is important, remember to hang out with friends and make memories because, at the end of the day, those are the things you will remember about high school. 

The quote that means a lot to you and why: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,” by Dr. Seuss. I like this quote because it reminds me to continue to be optimistic even when something good ends, and to cherish those moments. 

Something about the world that concerns you: The growing divide in our country and world, in general. 

Something about the world that inspires you: People who have started at the bottom and have worked their way to the top. This inspires me to work hard even if others may have started with more of an advantage. 

MHS highlight: One highlight of my time spent in high school would be going to watch basketball games with friends and hanging out afterwards. I’d say another very memorable moment of high school was our junior prom. 

Clubs, athletics and activities: 

  • National Honor Society (Secretary Grades 11 and 12)
  • Student Congress (Grades 11 and 12)
  • Junior Prom


Class of 2023 Student-Athletes

Middleburgh Central School District recognizes the contributions of our Class of 2023 student-athletes to our community. MCSD believes opportunities to participate in sports during and after school is essential to a well-balanced educational program. Class of 2023 athletes spent countless hours improving their performance and supporting their teammates.

“These athletes and their families have given a lot to MCS athletics over the past several years, and we are very thankful to them for that,” Co-Athletic Director Gregg Johns said. “We wish them the best in their future endeavors.”

Class of 2023 athletes have shared their thoughts about their experiences with the programs and how participation has helped prepare them for the future. Comments are below.

MCSD supports a comprehensive sports program with equal access for all students, emphasizing maximum participation through interscholastic and intramural activity.

Knights Baseball 2023 Hoop, Hall, Trombley, Jurcek

Varsity Baseball

Drew Hall
Ian Hoop
John Jurcek
Ethan Trombley

Knights softball 2023 Czyszczon, Mickle

Varsity Softball

Skyler Czyszczon
Emily Mickle

Knights Tennis 2023 Bell, Adams, Freer, Bramer, Cammer, Langue

Varsity Tennis

Caroline Adams
Alexia Bell
Megan Bramer
Troy Cammer
Danielle Freer
Heline Langue 

Knights Track 2023 Armlin, Langue

Ciara Armlin
Heline Langue

Ciara Armlin Varsity Girls' Soccer
Alexia Bell Varsity Girls' Soccer
Troy Cammer Varsity Boys' Soccer
Ian Hoop Varsity Boys' Soccer


Varsity Girls’ Soccer

Ciara Armlin 
Alexia Bell 

Varsity Boys’ Soccer

Troy Cammer 
Ian Hoop 

“My experience with MCS athletics has changed drastically over the years. As a freshman to a senior in varsity sports, seeing many friends leave the program as they graduate or move away has been the hardest part, but all have found success at the next level, either with academics, athletics or in the workplace. That’s always a bittersweet feeling when you go through that.” -Troy Cammer

Varsity Volleyball

Megan Bramer
Riley Cronin  
Skyler Czyszczon  
Halle Haemmerle 
Heline Langue  

Drew Hall Varsity Golf

Varsity Golf

Drew Hall 

Varsity Girls' Basketball

Ciara Armlin Varsity 
Emily Mickle
Halle Haemmerle

Varsity Boys' Basketball
Troy Cammer
Ian Hoop
Ethan Trombley 

Varsity Girls’ Basketball

Ciara Armlin 
Halle Haemmerle
Emily Mickle

Varsity Boys’ Basketball

Troy Cammer
Ian Hoop
Ethan Trombley 

“I think the program has helped me prepare for the future by just learning to deal with hard times and find a way to get through them. Although our programs have gone through hard times, whether on the field or court, it always reminds you that you’d rather be dealing with those hard times than the things we can face in life.” -Troy Cammer  

Varsity Cheerleading Alexia Bell	
Alison Bowen	
Lindsey Brown	
Danielle Freer
Emily Hainey	
Heline Langue

Varsity Cheerleading

Alexia Bell 
Alison Bowen
Lindsey Brown
Danielle Freer
Emily Hainey
Heline Langue

“My experience being an athlete with Middleburgh Athletics has been amazing. It’s helped me prepare for the future by teaching me dedication, communication, and trust building.” -Lindsey Brown

Julia Bingham Varsity Bowling

Varsity Bowling

Julia Bingham 

Nick Price Varsity Wrestling

Varsity Wrestling

Nick Price 

Senior t-shirts

Colored blobs with smiley faces surround the words "senior Class of 2023.Class of 2023 t-shirts are now available for purchase. The shirts will be black and feature artwork by senior Sienna Kelley, which class members chose.

Prices are $18 for small, medium, large and extra-large and $22 for 2XL, 3XL and 4XL.

The order form is available here. If you have trouble accessing the order form, please contact Jody DeJong, library media specialist and senior class co-advisor.

Order forms with payment must go to Riley Cronin (president, Class of 2023) or DeJong by April 5. Payment of cash or check must accompany the order form. Make checks out to Vicki Flower.