2025-26 UPK and Kindergarten Registration Opens March 1

Student registration for the 2025-26 school year begins on March 1, 2025, for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten (UPK3 and UPK4). Eligibility for UPK3 and UPK4 requires children to be 3 or 4 years old on or before Dec. 1, and have residency within the Middleburgh Central School District. There are no income eligibility requirements. Eligibility for kindergarten …

Budget Development Workshops: Community Input Encouraged

Middleburgh Central School District has begun developing a new 2025-26 school year budget and welcomes community input. This year, voters will also consider a capital project. The BOE and administration aim to conduct the annual budget development process in an open and transparent manner, to partner with families and community members and to educate and …

Middleburgh Student Shares Passion for Dairy at FFA Event

On Saturday, February 8th, Logan Rivenburg of the Middleburgh FFA Chapter competed in Prepared Public Speaking at the FFA districts in Schoharie, NY. Logan wrote a speech titled Dairy: The Food of Champions, advocating for milk as an essential drink for athletes. She shared her passion for the dairy industry, highlighting milk’s benefits for performance …

Buddy Readers Matches Big Readers with Little Listeners

MCS students are making new discoveries and new connections through the Buddy Readers initiative. Each week, Marianne Warner’s third grade students thoughtfully choose a library book to read to a student in Lyn Burton’s afternoon pre-kindergarten class. Burton says she wanted to provide more exposure to reading and language and help her students develop a …

Middleburgh Central School District to host blood drive

Give the gift of life! The American Red Cross is experiencing an urgent need for blood donations, and the Middleburgh Central School District is ready to help by hosting a blood drive 12-6 p.m. March 5 in the high school library. It is an opportunity for students, staff and the community to come together for …

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